June 1, 2021
Hello Family & Friends,
Happy Tuesday! Wishing you all a good month too - it's a Greek thing we do.
It's Day 19 and I continue to be blessed with no pain from the minute they wheeled me into the recovery room. I've had a few random days of discomfort when my drain was in and lifting my right arm a little too high, without thinking, but fortunately that passed quite quickly - nothing a double Johnny Walker Black couldn't fix. JK, but I'm sure that put a smile on your face and/or got a chuckle from some of you.
My drain was removed last Thursday along with my second set of stitches. Removing the drain allowed me to finally take a shower - "Never underestimate the luxury of a shower and how lucky we are to have these types of luxuries!"
Today my reconstruction begins, and I'm looking forward to the next phase. As per the doctor and his team of nurses, I am healing well and everything is running smoothly.
I am in good spirits overall and Thank God everyday for how blessed and grateful I am that this journey is going so well. Twenty days ago I never thought I would be writing this kind of story, but I am thankful I can; I know I will continue to as the most difficult part is behind me! If you want to come see for yourself, take a drive down to the Jersey Shore area - it's beautiful and I would love to see your smiling face.
With that, please don't stop your prayers and your push-ups - they all help and give me the strength to heal and make this a positive experience. The current count stands at 101 by my cousin Mike (bc he's awesome) in 1.5 hours! However, a current challenge of 150 push-ups is currently on the table. Who's taking that on?
Have a wonderful and blessed week.
With love,

My #1 support group! Blessed with this amazing family!