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Grateful for this Breast Cancer Journey

September 5, 2021

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Sunday afternoon! Just want to provide you with a quick post surgery update.

It's been three days since my second surgery and I'm happy to report everything went well...obviously, lol; my doctor said I did very well during surgery. The martini "cocktail", with extra olives, the anesthesiologist gave me during surgery certainly did the trick...). I was in and out of the surgery center and home within four hours, with a fine cup of coffee in hand! If you know me, you know I love my coffee.

I saw the doctor yesterday for my 48-hour post surgery follow up and the nurse stated everything looks good and healing as expected. To date, I have no pain, and although I currently have a nerve block that helps block the pain, I anticipate and again bank on that I will continue to stay that way even after the nerve block subsides. I have to keep my pain free record since Day 1, otherwise what's the point of being called Superwoman..:). My cousin says it's my huge ego talking since doing so well; I say it's just me..ha ha ha. Feel free to take your pick...:). I'll still love you all the same.

With that, I wish you all a blessed Sunday and Happy Labor Day weekend to all my American friends and family.

With love,


PS: You can take a break from working out today since it is Sunday and a day of rest, but tomorrow it's time to get back to work!

Enjoying the sunshine, the day after surgery, looking silly and all.


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