September 1, 2021
Dear Friends & Family,
Happy 1st of the month. It's a Greek thing as I've mentioned before. You know us Greeks - we have something for everything, kind of like the Windex...:).
It's been a while since I've provided an update on my healing journey and fortunately no news is good news. Since Day 1, I've been blessed with a smooth and pain free journey, and I plan on keeping it that way. Even before my surgery, my plastic surgeon assured me I would heal well and quickly thanks to my health, and fortunately that's been the case. I also believe all your prayers and push-ups helped me quickly too - thank you! Along with that, my greatest win in all this was not needing chemotherapy or radiation; my cancer luckily was caught early. What a relief knowing I didn't have to go through either, and was able to enjoy the summer and spend time at the beach; I hope you were too (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere..:)).
It's now time to move onto my next phase of this process and complete my reconstruction. My implant surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning, Thursday, September. 2 - Surgery # 2 on Sept. 2…:). (They'll confirm the exact time this afternoon). I know and believe that everything will go as well if not better than my first surgery - I plan on beating my recovery time from my first, because striving to improve drives us achieve higher. My amazing doctor said I should be done within an hour and hopefully won't need another drain - urgh that thing; he can only determine that during surgery but I'm betting that I won't need it.
With that, as always, I ask for your prayers, push-ups and now I've added sit-ups too, bc it's all good for you and me!
BTW: The last push-up count was 160 in one day - impressive! It's fun watching the videos of all of you sweating away...LOL.
Happy Hump Day.
With love,

Smile and find the rainbow in the storm :)